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North Korea South Korea At Night

North Korea: Darkness Visible from Space

Nighttime Satellite Images Reveal Growth in Light Emissions

North Korea, known for its isolation and strict control over information, has been shrouded in darkness for decades. However, recent satellite images from NASA's Earth Observatory show that the country is gradually becoming brighter at night, indicating a potential increase in economic activity.

Astronauts' Perspective

In 2023, astronauts aboard the International Space Station captured a stunning photograph of North and South Korea at night. The image reveals a stark contrast between the brightly lit South Korea and the nearly pitch-black North Korea, accurately dubbed "The Hermit Kingdom."

Satellite Data Analysis

Scientists have analyzed nighttime satellite images from the past seven years, observing a notable increase in light emissions in North Korea. The data shows that the brightness of the country has increased by approximately 40% since the mid-1990s, when fuel supplies from the Soviet Union ceased.

Economic Growth or Military Activity?

The precise reasons for the increase in nighttime brightness in North Korea are still uncertain. Some experts speculate that it may reflect economic growth and improved infrastructure, such as increased electricity access and the construction of new buildings. Others suggest that the increased light emissions could be related to military activities, such as troop movements or missile launches.

Comparison to South Korea

Despite the increase in nighttime light emissions, North Korea still lags far behind its more developed neighbor, South Korea. Satellite imagery shows that South Korea glows with a vibrant network of lights, outlining cities, highways, and industrial areas. The contrast between the two Koreas is a striking visual representation of their vastly different economic and social conditions.


The gradual increase in nighttime brightness in North Korea is a testament to the country's ongoing transformation. While the exact causes of this change are still debatable, it hints at potential economic growth or military activities that could have significant implications for the region.
